Bentley OpenUtilities CONNECT Edition Help

To Sort Items in the Information Viewer

A sort arranges the items in a list in a sequential order according to the values in a particular column (typically a text property). An ascending sort arranges alphabetical values from A to Z and numerical values from lowest to highest (0 to 9 and so on). A descending sort produces the opposite result. Sorts are not case-sensitive.

An ascending sort is represented as an upward-pointing arrow on the label of the column that controls the sort, a descending sort by a downward-pointing arrow. By default, Workflow Manager sorts data in the Information Viewer as follows:

View Default Sort
My Work Ascending on Name Fields
My Designs Ascending on Name Fields
Units Ascending on ID Fields
Materials Ascending on ID Fields
Custom Costs Ascending on ID Fields

You can resort items by clicking the column on which you want to sort and then clicking the column again to switch the sort mode.

  1. Click the column label of the field on which you want to sort the data.
  2. Click the column label again to switch between sort modes.